Bride's sauna ritual
3 - 4 stundas
1 personai
Gravas atpūtas komplekss
What is it
Bride's sauna ritual is an ancient alternative to the bachelorette party. It is a special night for the bride-to-be with her bridesmaids before the marriage. Bride shall enjoy the ritual and shall be introduced to Latvian traditions prior to marriage. The ritual takes around 4 hours. At the same time, bridesmaids may choose to try some of the procedures offered by Gravas
What is included
Whisk massage
Feet bath
Body mask
Sauna accessories
Drinks, snacks
Bride massage
Sauna attendant
Opened Gravas recreational center
Graduated sauna school
Sauna attendant Biruta has been working in Gravas for 9 years already. She has graduated sauna school Lielzemenes in 2011. Sauna and plant knowledge has been Biruta’s passion for the whole life. It has been self-studied and attended courses such as “Untraditional plant growing”. Gravas is Biruta’s lifestyle, work and home. You will enjoy the individual approach during the sauna ritual.
Take with you
Bring your towel
Gravas has right to cancel reservation if the agreed arrival time is delayed more than 1 hour.
Customer requirement
If you have any dietary restrictions, inform us upon your arrival. If you have any health issues, please inform sauna attendant before sauna session.
Bride's sauna ritual
for 1 person
80 €
Bride sisters
sauna attendance per person
10 €
1 person
18 €
per person
8 €
Body massage
per 1 person
seperate back massage 10 €